What's in The Maui Diet for You?

What's in it for you is invaluable information I’ve learned about fat loss and fitness over years. Hundreds of dynamic strategies, tactics and tips about losing fat and getting fit, all from my personal experience in the food and exercise wars. What’s worked for me, what hasn’t; all I’ve learned, all I’ve had to unlearn.

In high school I ballooned up to 50 pounds over my ideal weight. I designed a simple diet, stuck with it, and lost all the weight. Other kids, especially fat kids, really wanted to know what and how I did it. I enjoyed sharing my successes with them, and I’ve been helping people lose fat since.

“Everything we are taught is false,” someone said. No where is that more true than in area of food, diet and exercise. If you’re following the typical American diet, pretty much everything you believe about food is false. That's true of the information in a lot of diet books today also, including a couple of very popular ones. A lot of this information is simply wrong, even dangerous.

It's miraculous

More than forty years after losing all that weight in high school, I now enjoy a level of fitness so far beyond what I had my teens, 20s and 30s that it’s miraculous.

The Maui Diet shows you how I do it, and how you can do it. I hope you have as much fun reading and following The Maui Diet as I've had writing and living it.

P.S. Get my Maui Diet Daily Action PlayBook, too. It'a great tool that will definitely accelerate your efforts to lose fat and get fit.
Check out www.themauidiet.com for great tips!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good Relevant information shared.. For more details go to the webpage http://mexico.phpclassified.com/147115-Customized-Fat-Loss-Review.html